wanted to share with everyone about my boss "Just", but didn't have the guts to say it yesterday at the memorial service, afraid that I'll be like Jonathan, cry and couldn't say a word. So, I'll share it here.
I'm with Extol, for 5 years now. How we first met? An interview arranged by Kennard, at 9pm, in Sri Hartamas. at that time was thinking ehmm.... these two bosses (grace and just), so happening? or their schedule is so tight that they have to push it till 9pm and why outside the office? Later I found out is because they have to attend a partner's event there, so might as well make used of the time and venue for an informal interview.
Did a little back-ground reading of the company and management, so when I reached there, I already know that the big size guy is the CEO and the lady is Grace. This guy doesn't talk much but he always have these two frequent questions for all the interviews he conducted:1) why do you think you are suitable for this position? 2) and why extol? maybe to find out whether this person has the passion for what he/she gonna do and how much they know about Extol (whether the company is well known or not, or to find out whether he/she has done her research before the session...)
FYI, I applied for the position of senior account manager (to do sales). my answers to his questions 1) actually I don't like doing sales, but I started with it, so no choice???!!!!! 2) I don't know much about Extol, did a bit of reading before I come for this interview and since Kennard keep on saying how good and how good of this company, so I considered.
Wow, how they take it but surprisingly he hired me. WHY? Where on earth got bosses who would hire someone with such asnwers. Got - Justin Tan
Grace said they hire me because Kennard recommended me. I bet Just hired me is because he is curious to find out what's wrong with this woman.
The probation was for 6 months, but to my surprise they gave me an early comfirmation (at my 3rd/ 4th month with the company) because boss scared that I won't get to enjoy the FREE shares if I'm still not a confirmed staff. Where on earth got such a nice boss???? Got - Justin Tan.
At my 9th month with the company...Justin must be thinking "TRUE, this woman really doesn't like doing sales, there's not much result....nvm, we'll get her to do Marketing for us". This was when Helene left the company to return to Europe, that there's a vacancy for marketing position, and the company is starting it's listing exercise. He gave me the opportunity. The opportunity to explore what's within me....if it is not because of him, I wouldn't know that I've this little talent in me - design. Thanks to you, Justin Tan. You changed my life.
The entire listing exercise has allowed me to get to know him more. He was stressful during the listing time, with all the press interviews, underwriting ceremony, analyst briefing....and etc. Just, I'm actualy more stressed than you. Worried that you'll be late for the press interviews and events, you were nearly late on the actual listing day...worried what tie and suit you'll be wearing cause you don't seem to be able to match well...he once asked me "does my top matches my pants?" "boss, how can a brown blazer matches a blue pants?". I also worried that he didn't comb his hair, and didn't make his tie properly, and most worrying is the things that he might have said wrongly to the press.
Sometimes, he's just like a little boy...I remembered there was one time that the PR agency sounded him on the things he said and his gesture all, he was so sad with his head facing the ground, but I told him "Boss, you did well. Don't bother with what they say? you are just being yourself." Then he is all happy again with his smiley face :)
At one time when we have to rush for a press interview, we have an hour time to have our lunch before the interview, he keep on looking at his shoe and not eating his food, so I asked "Boss, what's wrong?" Justin said "the base of my shoe is torn and getting apart from my shoe." We were at Jaya in Sec 14, so I asked him to go buy a new pair, and you know what he said. "I can't, there's no Hush Puppies here.???!!! this is Justin Tan. So, he ended up walking to the interview by dragging the shoe base.
this is real funny that I got to share...there was one time when we were attending a partner's event in bangkok, it so happen there's a tailor shop at the hotel where we stayed. Grace and I accompany him to tailor made his suits, we asked the tailor for the price, and he said RM 300 -400 a suit, if not mistaken, just couldn't recall. Ok, measure him. Each measurement the tailor made, being it shoulder, chest, arm length, waist...he'll shout wow..Wow...WOW. Me and Grace just couldn't stop laughing....and Just dare to ask for more discount, but the tailor said...."no more discount, do you know that to make your suits, will need more material than other customers....." JUST just shy away. Real sorry Justin, for embarrassing you, but good stuff must share.
Sorry for the stress that I put you through, the talks you have to speak on, the events you got to attend, the press that you have to handled and etc...The only thing I did was to be there with you, so you don't feel like you are on your own battling it. Giving a talk in a hall of people is not easy, I hope my familiar face has helped and supported you.
He is a giving person. And only care for others, and not about himself. there was once, a client asked, "how old are you, Justin." he look at my direction, and looks blur. I said "Boss, you are 34 (in year 2006). then he asnwers the client "I'm 34." next the client asked, "when is your birthday?" He look at me again..."Boss, 12th June". then he repeated to same. See, this is Justin Tan, he remembers and care for other details but just forgot about himself.
I really enjoy those moments we shared. Sometimes we might think that this guy is not normal, he doesn't live a normal life like any other, he has his own thinking and at times I disagree with him, but come to think of it now, he's a man of wisdom. the things he said does make sense, it just that we don't see what he's able to see.
I miss his praise and those encouraging words he used to say to me. "Well done, Yan". Thanks boss, for recognising my work. I'll remember this always. I know that you do not like being called Boss, but I can't help it.
Next, your little nephew, Tristan. I know you love him very much, but you don't normally carry him or cuddle him. Is not that you don't like kids, you were just afraid that you might drop him. He'll remember the monster faces you do to scared him. Tristan loves you very much, uncle Justin. and we'll tell him stories of you and what a great uncle he had.
Take care ya, have a good holiday and ride safely ya. bye!
love always,