i understand that in order to fall in love, both needs to click. we have not even click, but have skip the in love stage to having our kid. you once said this is more than or more meaningful than a chinese tea ceremony and all that couples need to go through to get married. more realistic. i like the way you say it. remember the time you told me about your flight from US to Iran, you told the passenger next to you that you miss home cause your wife is expecting. you put it this way, afraid the poor fellow's mom would have a heart attack if you say your girlfriend is expecting. I love how you say it.
I miss the farms we worked on. we'll plow and harvest for each other. but your farm has been left unattended for a long long time. i've been watering your flowers to make sure they bloom always. i like the 'ALY' plowed grounds in your farm. it is plowed out of love. Thanks! I search for you in FB everyday, just like before, try to know more about you, but you are not doing the same on me, like you used to, I guess you are not interested on keeping track on me. I see that she's back on your wall, like before. you like that, don't you? you like the things she wrote and posted on your wall. different treatment, ya. you must have hate me so much to the extend of blocking me in FB.
you have found the one who clicks well with you, infact you found her 3 or 4 years back. go for it, you idiot if she's coming back for you. you both are right for each other. I understand. I wish you all the happiness in the world, i want to see you happy again.
Normally I'll write and mail you what's on my mind, but this time i prefer writing it here, cause you do not need to know about all these, and i think you do not want to hear from me anymore.
thanks for all that you've done for me and Tristan, you have taken good care of me during my confinement. At that time, you show me that you are a good father and husband to be.

Sorry that I was not whom you expected me to be. I told you from the start, I'm not like her and will never be like her, but you said, you do not want me to be like her, someone that breaks your heart so badly.
I can't be your dive companion. real sorry for this, but i would very much like to be the one waiting for you at the beach when you return from your dives. I want to be your dive computer to ensure your safety, and be your G11, to explore the underwater world with you.
:( can you feel me there with you?
take care ya, I'll be strong and should be able to manage. need not to worry about me. love you always, yan.