Tuesday, November 30, 2010

little surprises

thanks, dear. i always love the little surprises you give. "morning, love you!" "love you, too", i replied with a smile.

hope it keeps on going. i feel better now. i know you mean it. got to pen down this moment. woke up at 4.30 in the morning, wish to do a little surfing before going back to bed, and there my notebook went missing. ehmmm...hubby took it? he must have mistaken it for his, but he's too smart to make such mistake. A surprise, silly girl! a little note typed into a text box and read "MORNING. LOVE YOU!". took it a while to pop up. is worth waiting. but i just spoil the surprise. suppose to see it at work. but is ok, I was surprised and shy to even look at his face, i just reply the same with a smile and walk away. :)

is snowing in London, early white christmas, maybe. still remember the 1st time, how it looks like when i wake up on a winter morning, and saw the white. everything is white, covered by snow, the roof, the car, the street....is beautiful. too bad, there weren't much pictures taken back then, a few but all blur case...invention of digital camera was not quick enough for me to capture this moment. will I have a chance to capture this moment with you, and with our baby? :) it will be real sweet. 'A sweet little family'.

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