is time to write again. wrote quite a bit in a mail, sent, but no reply. have checked the inbox every hour, then every day but still no reply. wondering whether he gets what I mean, and how come he has nothing to say back to me?
it is so obvious that my feelings are not cared for. what am I doing here again? the question asked twice but not answered. Should I treat it as a 'Yes'. Please not. I can't take it. I thought I'm strong especially with my little baby here with me, he can make me strong but I'm just too weak to fight this battle.
what really matters to him? the trill, the excitement...there's so much to blame on "why is my life so complicated' he said. it can be real smooth and calm but you choose the other way. what should i do. waiting to be loved?
when you dislike someone, everything she does, is real annoying. everything she says is not right. when you found something new, it is always interesting and you want more.
i don't wish to show a sad face, but is not easy to put up a smile either. after all that has happened. which side are you on? which side your heart tells you to go with? we don't mean much to you? you have never wanted us. why are we still here?
you find it exciting, real challenging, but for me, its not fun at all. it hurts and i'm in so much pain.
it is so obvious that my feelings are not cared for. what am I doing here again? the question asked twice but not answered. Should I treat it as a 'Yes'. Please not. I can't take it. I thought I'm strong especially with my little baby here with me, he can make me strong but I'm just too weak to fight this battle.
what really matters to him? the trill, the excitement...there's so much to blame on "why is my life so complicated' he said. it can be real smooth and calm but you choose the other way. what should i do. waiting to be loved?
when you dislike someone, everything she does, is real annoying. everything she says is not right. when you found something new, it is always interesting and you want more.
i don't wish to show a sad face, but is not easy to put up a smile either. after all that has happened. which side are you on? which side your heart tells you to go with? we don't mean much to you? you have never wanted us. why are we still here?
you find it exciting, real challenging, but for me, its not fun at all. it hurts and i'm in so much pain.
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